It depends on your attributes.
SOGM is only effective when bringing Anguish and PB.
Therefore you also need to invest in channeling. which lowers your communing.
My solution:
human brings the communing skills and Pve skills -->SOGM
Hero takes the channeling skills --> SOS
This is what I've been doing. I take SOGM and the staple attack spirits, while Xandra is set to Channeling/Resto with SOS. Incredibly effective.
Also, while we're on the topic of SOGM, I'm wondering how it would work with Spiritleech Aura. Would the bonus from SOGM go against the penalty from Spiritleech? Or would it merely increase the attack speed, as with Bloodsong and Vampirism?
Last edited by -Makai-; Aug 23, 2009 at 07:55 PM // 19:55..
What's wrong with making your spirits last longer?
Spawning Power increases spirit's health, not duration. So with Summon Spirits on your bar and the relatively short recharge of offensive spirits, Spawning Power is a waste of attribute points. Better to max out channeling/communing/whatever you're using.
Last edited by Lhim; Aug 24, 2009 at 04:03 PM // 16:03..
Spawning Power increases spirit's health, not duration. So with Summon Spirits on your bar and the relatively short recharge of offensive spirits, Spawning Power is a waste of attribute points. Better to max out channeling/communing/whatever you're using.
Well more health means they live longer right? (which was what I meant), which means you can spam that bit less and conserve that bit more energy.
I mean it's not like Summon Spirits heals for a great amount and I'd rather have my spirits body blocking.
I'll try it with lower spawning and see how I get on.
Last edited by Spiritweaver; Aug 25, 2009 at 01:27 AM // 01:27..
I use the spawning stuff in conjunction with SoS, used to be the problem with stuff like spirits gift ect was it took 3 seconds minimum to get the effect, or you had to destroy something you spent 3 seconds summoning, now, with 3 spirits in 1 sec every 20 seconds, the spawning stuff, like rupture, spirits gift+feast of souls, spirit to flesh ect are sooooo much stronger. I'd rather have 1 or 2 of those utility skills in a spawning/channeling bar then fill in with underpowered communing stuff.
I run SoS agony bloodsong vampirism, I use two heroes one wanderlust + earth bind and the other SoGM pain shadowsong and anguish. This trio is awesome as I also use painful bond and the numbers fly to high heaven.
SoS is one of the best elites in the game. Not only does it create three meat shields, it also deals high armor ignoring damage. Anything that remotely synergises with it often has a huge effect, too (FoS, PBond, BoC, etc).
Despite this I still prefer SoGM. You have to admire Anguish doing ~60 dmg a hit combined with the IAS. I came to it first and I just naturally like it better, though it's a bit flawy.
If you're deciding between the two, don't bother. It's worth taking both, putting in one on a hero.
That being arguably one of the best Rit Healer builds I can come up with. Signet of Spirits is overall a better elite skill to cap in general because it isn't limited to just spirit spamming
The math has been stated, although I don't know how accurate, but I think SoS adds up to be more DPS, but even if it's a bit lower.. what is better.. slightly lower DPS and 3 more meat(lolghosts) shields, or slightly higher DPS?
It is probably very easy to compare Spirit Spammer builds by testing them on the Isle of the Nameless with the Master of Damage. With these 7-spirit SoS builds you can do 128dps solo over the full 180s. What is the rate with the builds that use SogM?
It is probably very easy to compare Spirit Spammer builds by testing them on the Isle of the Nameless with the Master of Damage. With these 7-spirit SoS builds you can do 128dps solo over the full 180s. What is the rate with the builds that use SogM?
(channeling=11+1+2, communing=11+2, spawning=8+1)
I tried it out with the exact same build and attribute spread, but swapping SoS with SoGM of course. I had an average of 122dps. This is with 4 spirits. It ranges from 80dps for 5 secs (It dropped everytime I had to recast Anguish) to 163dps for 5 secs. It probably would have been a little more if I had activated SoGM after Anguish. Been a while since I spirit spammed so I forgot
signet of spirits is the most overpowered pve/pvp skill split ever, why wouldnt you take advantage of the 3 free spirits ? use with skills that synergize with spirits for even more lame overpoweredness - ex: siphon spirit + sig is infinite energy, mend body and soul with sig of spirits - remove 3 conditions from ally every time u cast.. etc. pve stuff is so overpowered.
No, Ether Renewal is the most overpowered ever. But SoS is no doubt overpowered.
forgot about that one..i dont pve much. either way, the pve versions of these 2 skills would fit right in on one of those april fool's day joke updates..
such a power creep from early prophecies days to present..
but, if it truly was "hard mode" they should be forced to use normal balanced skills.. instead of adding all these godmode skills into game to make HM less hard, lol.
but, if it truly was "hard mode" they should be forced to use normal balanced skills.. instead of adding all these godmode skills into game to make HM less hard, lol.
I wouldn't call SoS a godmode skill by far. You should head over to one of the numerous SF threads.